Wednesday, 6 June 2018

5 Mistakes You Might Be Making When Using A Curling Iron!!!

Our love for those beach waves, open curls, and bottom curls seems to unfading. Same goes for the curling iron mistakes that we go on making and making and ends up burning our hair.
We know, you might be thinking that curling hair is basic and there is nothing complex about them. If so, you need to think again because curling hair is more than wrapping hair around the iron and feeling the heat. Unluckily, there are plenty of curling iron mistakes that are damaging our hair and preventing those long-lasting darn curls all day long and yet, we all make them.
So here’s a quick yet effective rundown of the curling iron red flags and the ways to prevent them. Check them out and master the art of curling hair like never before.

5 Common Curling Iron Mistakes You are Making and the Ways to Prevent Them:
Ready for a wakeup call? Avoid making these mistakes, next time when using a curling iron.
#1: Ignoring a Heat Protectant:
Okay, let’s face it! We all love curling our hair and giving them hardest treatment ever, but we always hate to use a heat protectant. As a matter of fact, heat protectant before using any heating equipment on the hair is as important as using a sunblock on your skin while going out. The extreme heat from the curling iron incurs the extreme damage to hair that is definitely irreversible. So Always, Always, use a heat protectant before doing a heat treatment (curling, straightening, and blow drying) to your hair.
#2: Overlooking its Sanitization:
Just like the makeup brushes and sponges, your curling iron, too, needs to be cleaned. And that is what most of the girls don’t know. If you fail to clean your curling iron, the product starts to buildup on the rod that compromises the efficiency of your curling rod. It starts to prevent heat from distributing evenly and thus, causing uneven and untidy curls that don’t look good at all. So, make sure to clean your curling rod by simply rubbing alcohol on the rod using a damp cloth.

#3: Using the Wrong Temperature:
Many girls use the maximum temperature while curling their hair in hope to turn them out perfectly. However, that is the worst thing you are doing to your hair. In order to keep your hair from damage, always try to use the minimum temperature that works for you. This will not only saves your hair but also help them to produce the best and long lasting curls ever.
#4: Missing to Cool the Curls:
We always want those quick curls that will look as pretty as ever but really time-saving. And in order to do so, we always missing to cool the curls that causes them to loosen than you have intended. So in order to keep the curls perfect, make sure you cool the hair before setting them loose. For this, you can use your hand (with gloves on) or also you can pin them up so that they can easily cool down while not destroying the shape.
#5: Holding the Iron on your Hair Way Too Long:
We keep on holding the curling iron on our hair in hope that they will turn out to be pretty and long-lasting. However, it is one of the worst things you are doing to your hair. This not only damages your hair but creates a mess of your hair. Only hold the iron on for a maximum of 8 to 10 seconds.
Which of these mistakes are you still making?


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